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Confident Kids Program

How kids feel about themselves is one of the biggest influences on both their happiness and on what they create in their lives. Positive self-esteem and self-confidence isn’t something kids either have or don’t have, it is a skill they can develop. In this program kids learn how to honor their uniqueness, develop unstoppable self-confidence, develop soaring self-esteem, and how their mind shapes their world!

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Resilient Kids Program

The Resilient Kids Program is designed to help children manage challenges and develop resilience skills. Life throws many challenges our way and it's how we respond to them that determines how they will impact our lives. Kids have recently experienced so many challenges and changes during the Pandemic. Helping them build resilience skills is a valuable lesson they can carry through life. The Resilient Kids Program provides kids with tactical tools and gives them insight on how to embrace change and move forward in their power. We explore how to conquer fear, manage change, use power shifting skills and overcome mistakes.

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Prosperous Kids Program

Kids learn that no one can make their dreams come true except for them. In this program kids learn a process for creating a life of their dreams. They create a vision, learn how to use goal setting to take action on their vision and learn how to use tools of visualization, affirmations, and gratitude to “program” their mind for success!

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Personalized programs are created to accommodate the particular needs of your child. Contact me to schedule a discovery call and we can determine what would best benefit your child!

We offer 27 skill sets and areas of development in our programs.  Personalized programs will be built around the skill sets that are best suited for your child.

We offer 27 skill sets and areas of development in our programs. Personalized programs will be built around the skill sets that are best suited for your child.